China’s Oct 21-30 aluminum price rises 6% from Oct 10-20

China’s domestic primary aluminum price averaged Yuan 14,232.10/mt ($2,105/mt) over October 21-30, up 6.3% from October 11-20, the National Bureau of Statistics said in a report Friday.

NBS conducts a survey on domestic prices, covering nine categories of essential feedstocks, three times a month.

Aluminum falls under the category of nonferrous metals. This category also includes the prices of copper, lead and zinc ingot.

The average price of copper was Yuan 38,025.90/mt over October 21-30, up 0.9% from the previous period; lead was up 3.1% at Yuan 16,017.10/mt and zinc down 3.9% at Yuan 18,844.90/mt.

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